the.biggest.loser.s14e09.hdtv.x264-2hd<br>《超级减肥王》(The Biggest Loser)S14E09《Face Your Fears》<br>It’s “Face Your Fears” week, and the fear of leaving the ranch is the first one addressed when a “save your neighbor” challenge determines which contestant has to leave the ranch and go out on their own for the week – along with another player of their choice. One by one, with the help of trainers Bob, Jillian and Dolvett, each contestant is forced to face their fear – ranging from a fear of sharks to claustrophobia to a fear of singing in public. And they all face fear in a harrowing challenge off the top of a seven-story building that will reward the winner with the most coveted prize of all. Back at home, the kid participants are also facing their fears head on. Sunny’s very real fear of losing her Mom due to her mother’s weight prompts her to have a very difficult and emotional conversation, while Dolvett arranges for pre-diabetic Lindsay to face her fear of developing the disease by meeting someone with diabetes and learning about their daily challenges. On the lighter side, Biingo faces his fear of eating vegetables! Later, the weigh-in will reveal how the two players out on their own did this week, and will also determine who is leaving the ranch for good, leaving the final five contestants of the season.<br><br><br>

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