《护士当家》(Nurse Jackie)S05E04《Lost Girls》<br>An agitated and heavily medicated Jane Doe is brought into the ER. Jackie tasks Zoey with finding out who she is. Coop invites Carrie to dinner, but Carrie has plans. Later, her plans fall through and she comes back to Coop. He stands up to her, refusing to be her fallback, but his attraction gets the better of him and their date is officially back on. Jackie and Kevin are called into Fiona’s school because she’s been struggling and acting out in class. They vow to be more unified as parents. Jackie catches Grace sneaking around the city to see her much older boyfriend. When Jackie gets back to the hospital, she learns that Akalitus lost Jane Doe just as her concerned husband shows up at the hospital. Akalitus tells Jackie that the “concerned” husband has been drugging Jane Doe and she’s helping her get to a safe house. When Prentiss finds out, the nurses unite to take the blame, but he surprises them all by saying if this happens again they should come to him.<br><br><br>

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