《塞尔弗里奇先生》(Mr. Selfridge)S01E06(英国)<br>Harry is unconscious following a car crash and a sombre mood takes over at the store as word spreards about what has happened. IMr Grove’s wife has died and after he shows up at work, Miss Wardle notices that he’s not ready for a return and looks anxious. Frank goes to see Lois and tells her that Harry was gambling and drinking the night of the accident and that Ellen payed him a visit at the club. Ellen becomes upset after Frank tells her about Harry’s accident. Rose learns from Harry’s doctor that his condition is improving. A suffragette demo takes place at the store. Lady Mae is not happy when a lucn is cancelled. Crabb ends up calling a secret meeting behind Grove’s back to address the Suffragette ‘situation’. The Suffragette demonstration is in full swing outside the store as Harry is ready to return to work. Harry ends up collapsing amidst the chaos and Viloette comes to his aid. A suffragette tells the rest of the crowd exactly who her daddy is and reveals that it is Harry.<br>mr_selfridge.1x06.hdtv_x264-fov.mp4<br><br>

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