《灵书妙探》(Castle)S06E10《The Good, The Bad & The Baby》<br>一个浑身是血的男人踉踉跄跄地闯进一家教堂,将一个神秘的包袱交给牧师,然后倒地身亡。牧师打开包袱,发现里面竟然是一个活生生的婴儿,于是通知警方到现场进行调查。所有人都不知如何处理这个婴儿,而Castle和Beckett稀里糊涂地成了孩子的「代理保姆」。调查组很快发现孩子和死者并没有血缘关系,而寻找孩子的亲生父母可能比侦破这起谋杀案更困难。<br>该剧的制片人对本集解释道:“Through the course of the series so far, they haven’t talked about whether they want more kids. Does Castle want more kids? Does Beckett want kids? We kind of brought it up in the time-travel episode about their future, so we touched it there. And we get to have a real good bite of that [again] and find out how folks feel.”<br><br><br>

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