《开心汉堡店》(Bob’s Burgers)S04E14《Uncle Teddy》<br>When Bob and Linda leave town for a romantic getaway (at a Burger Convention), they ask Teddy to babysit Tina, Gene and Louise. While the ‘rents are away, Teddy is eager to earn the coveted title of “Uncle Teddy” and does so by putting Tina’s crush in his rightful place after discovering that he was just using her for – gasp – free burgers! Hijinks ensue.<br><br><br>

片名:开心汉堡店 Bobs Burgers S04E14 格式:mp4 大小:82.6 M 下载链接: 网盘 磁力 字幕链接: 双语字幕 分享到: