《开心汉堡店》(Bob’s Burgers)S04E13《Mazel-Tina》<br>Tina isn’t invited to her classmate Tammy’s Bat Mitzvah, but ends up at the party anyway, because Bob and the family were hired to cater. Despite the invite snub, Tina is excited to scope out the BFOS (boys from other schools). Things go awry and Louise and Tammy end up missing, so, to her total delight, Tina is left center stage.<br><br><br>

片名:开心汉堡店 Bobs Burgers S04E13 格式:mp4 大小:88.9 M 下载链接: 网盘 磁力 字幕链接: 双语字幕 分享到: