主演: Alice Roberts<br>官方网站: http://www.bbc.co.uk/tv/comingup/digging-for-britain/<br>制片国家/地区: 英国<br>语言: 英语<br>上映日期: 2010-08-19<br>又名: 挖掘英国<br>IMDb链接: tt1715425<br>Great Britain might be a small country but it has a huge history. Everywhere you stand, there are worlds beneath your feet – and every year hundreds of excavations bring lost treasures to the surface.<br>These amazing historical excavations are the subject of Digging For Britain, a landmark four-part history series for BBC Two.<br>Presented by Dr Alice Roberts, Digging For Britain reveals some of the newest finds, research and social history: from excavating the new temple near Skara Brae to preparations for the first sailing of a Bronze Age ship; from uncovering new truths about the richest ever find of Anglo-Saxon treasure to uncovering Shakespeare's first theatre.<br>英国虽是弹丸小国,但也有其不平凡的历史,无论在哪儿,你脚下都隐藏着一个世界。每年随着数以百计的遗迹出土,遗失的珍宝都重建了天日。<br>这是BBC二台的一档四集纪录片。该系列中,爱丽丝·罗伯茨教授展示了最新的研究发现……<br>英国也许是个小国家,但她却拥有悠久的历史。你脚下面的任何一块土地都有一个世界,并且随着每一年的考古挖掘都会有很多珍宝面世!此番爱丽丝罗伯特博士跟随了考古队一年的时间,为我们带来精彩的英国挖掘之行!<br>我们会发现什么呢?97个婴儿的埋骨地?埋在地下大盆硬币?面朝下躺在肉床上的不明男子?沉入大海中的罗马商船?让我们跟随镜头一起去揭开这些神秘事物的面纱……<br><br><br>

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