<br>2013年1月25日<br>BBC HD<br>Spike Geilinger<br>Greg Sanderson<br>冬季并非从来就是美丽的。在彼得·勃鲁盖尔^的画作《雪中猎人》(Hunters in the Snow)问世之前,这煎熬的几个月从不被认为是美好的东西。本纪录片将通过西方艺术作品,向观众们展示历史上人们是如何与冬天做着持久不懈的斗争的,其 中不少已经成为惊世杰作,代代传诵。Grayson Perry, Will Self, Don McCullin等参与了本片制作,来自各行的百姓和专家将从他们各自的视角来反思这些为我们定义了雪与冰之艺术的杰作。(简介 by life_is_good)<br>Winter was not always beautiful. Until Pieter Bruegel painted Hunters in the Snow, the long bitter months had never been transformed into a thing of beauty. This documentary charts how mankind's ever-changing struggle with winter has been reflected in western art throughout the ages, resulting in images that are now amongst the greatest paintings of all time. With contributions from Grayson Perry, Will Self, Don McCullin and many others, the film takes an eclectic group of people from all walks of life out into the cold to reflect on the paintings that have come to define the art of snow and ice.<br>

片名:BBC 冬之传说:冰雪艺术 Tales of Winter:The Art of Snow and Ice 720p 格式:mkv 大小:2 G 下载链接: BT 网盘 磁力 电驴 字幕链接: 双语字幕 分享到: