《美少女的谎言》(Pretty Little Liars)S04E12《Now You See Me, Now You Don’t》<br>「A」给出一个令人疑惑的谜语,驱使小骗子们前往与紫檀镇相邻的鸦林镇调查有关线索。在那里,她们见到了几张熟悉的面孔。在一场十分特别的魔术表演中,其中一个小骗子玩起了「失踪游戏」,而且一去不返!其他三个小骗子四处寻找她的下落,害怕她已成为「A」的诡计的牺牲品。在她们逃离鸦林镇之前,一个惊人的新发现证实她们对「A」和「A」的团队的所有认知都是错的。随着这个秘密浮出水面,小骗子们必须发动一场「A大战」(World War A – #WorldWarA)。与此同时,Hanna和她母亲Ashley好不容易团聚,但「A」锁定了一个新目标,导致重逢的喜悦很快被冲淡。Toby对Wren有了惊人的发现。<br>演员Lucy Hale表示「红衣人」的身份将会揭晓:”We reveal who Red Coat is. Whoever Red Coat is, whoever ‘A’ is, he or she doesn’t like to be messed with. Once we one-up him or her and play along with the game, what’s freaking he or she out is that we’re playing the game, and we’re playing it right.”<br>演员Ryan Guzman则表示Jake会继续留在该剧当中:”Jake will be around [later in the season]. I think he’ll always be kind of looking around, even when he’s not on screen, he might be getting mentioned or his presence will be felt. But yeah, Jake is not leaving.”<br><br><br>

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